Calling Over 35s and Over 45s
Are you an aul’ codger who used to play football?
Maybe you still do. Maybe you played for Hillsborough Boys back when you were still alive. Maybe you didn’t but wished you did. Maybe you didn’t and were glad you didn’t!
None of this matters!
We want to encourage over 35s and over 45s (two teams) to get back into football. We’ve formed the Hillsborough Knights and we’d like you to join. Don’t wend your weary way to the grave and shuffle off your mortal coil with a whimper. Go out with a bang!
We plan to have sessions at our McDonald’s Hillsborough 3G Arena, 162 Moira Rd, Lisburn on Friday evenings from 8:30pm to 10:00pm. Come down, kick a ball, meet some old mates, make some new ones. Every now and again the IFA will organise a Festival or small tournament. We’ve got a new kit (all extra large). That’s our badge in the picture. You get to pull it on and play some football as the magical Hillsborough Knights.
Did I mention we’ve got a defibrillator?
It shouldn’t be needed. It’s small sided games rules – 12 minute games, rolling subs.
Did I mention it’s free?
We won’t charge you anything because, to us, the Hillsborough Knights will be our version of the Harlem Globe Trotters. You’ll be ambassadors for our Club.
Don’t think because you’re a woman, you’re excluded. If you’re game, so are we. Come on down and give as good as you get. The Knights already have a couple of female players in their ranks!
Anyway, dudes. Go on.
You know you want to…