2007 Juniors Winter Training Plans

Summary from player/coaches zoom meeting Thursday 3rd December 7.00-8.00pm

  • Welcome/Intro
  • Agreed to work on a winter training programme from home
  • Emphasis placed on doing this as a team and focusing on teamwork and encouragement of teammates throughout
  • Plan to set up a WhatsApp group for players and coaches only to share training info (e.g. screenshots of timed runs and videos of challenges where applicable)
  • Watched a motivational video
  • Explained how training will look
  • Potentially a new strength and conditioning coach getting involved with the club who will deliver/design sessions (TBC)
  • In the meantime we will focus on zoom sessions (circuits/discussions) and weekly challenges.
  • Additionally we will address other important components including healthy eating, importance of having a schedule/routine and importance of sleep.
  • We highlighted our understanding that fitness levels may not be at the desired level in current circumstances. We totally understand this and are not looking to focus too much on current levels. Our main focus will now be on the players progress, how they apply themselves to these training plans and the effort they put into it.
  • As much as we want this to be an enjoyable experience for the boys we are expecting their full commitment to it just like we would with attitude, attendance and performance levels at ‘normal’ training. They will get out of this what they put in!
  • Finally we finished with a quiz with Kenzie narrowly defeating Shane in a tie-break question. We are however awaiting results from their google searches to ensure no cheating took place 😁
  • Kenzie’s prize was that he gets to host our next quiz (6 trivia questions) on the next zoom call – Tuesday 7pm.


Weekend Challenges

Technical – Boys must complete the Maradona 7 (7 keepy ups – both feet. both knees, both shoulders and head in that order). Boys must post a video of their best effort on the whatsapp by Sunday evening.

Physical – how many press-ups can they do in 30sec. I have completed this one already so will share my video once whatsapp is set up. Again video by Sunday evening would be ideal.

Fitness – timed 2km run. Ideally boys should send a screenshot of their run on Strava (or similar) to the whatsapp.

Regards the videos we are happy to leave these as optional for the players as we don’t want anyone in an uncomfortable position however we hope to build a real team camaraderie and will have strict ground rules that videos must not be shared outside of the team whatsapp. Other options are that videos can be sent to me only or no videos at all. We will assess as we move forward. Any feedback welcome.

Next Zoom Meeting

Tuesday 8th December 7pm – Circuits session with Shane followed by quick update on training and finish with Kenzie’s quiz.

Thank You