Updated Monday 12th October 2020
There is still NO spectating allowed at any club training sessions (indoors or outdoors)
Exceptions can be made for players with special needs but this must be cleared with club coach in advance.
Friendly Matches (in-house)
These are matches against fellow Hillsborough Boys or Girls teams. These are deemed as training matches and there are NO spectators allowed
Friendly Matches (vs other clubs)
Spectating is allowed for these matches as the parents/guardians who transport the players are deemed to be assisting with the fixture and are therefore permitted to attend.
However, this is on the basis of a maximum of 1 parent/guardian per player. While spectating social distancing guidelines must be followed. Please do not stand in huddles with other spectators.
Car Sharing
We would encourage where possible that no car sharing takes place to training or football matches. If it is necessary all parties should wear appropriate face coverings and the windows should be kept down at all times.
For further advice regards Car Sharing check the government guidance HERE
First Aid
In the event of an injury social distancing should be maintained where possible and an injured player should self-help. The club will provide all coaches with a first aid kit to be used where appropriate. If the player cannot self-help and a parent/guardian is present then they should assist the child. If no parent/guardian is present then the coach will assist the child whilst maintaining social distance and may use PPE to protect both parties.
Player Health
You must not attend training if, in the past 14 days, you:
- Have been unwell or had any flu-like symptoms
- Have been in contact with a known or suspected case of covid-19
- Have had a high temperature, new or continuous cough or loss of taste or smell
Should you display any of the above symptoms please DO NOT attend any club activities and inform your coach as soon as possible
For further advice on symptoms please download the COVIDCare NI app on the app store or Google play or click HERE for further government guidance.
Positive Cases
If you receive a positive test result or a member of your family to which you are deemed a close contact receives a positive result, then in line with government guidance please DO NOT attend any club activities and follow the isolating advice for 14 days.
For further advice on isolating please click HERE
Should we have a positive case within the club, the Covid-19 Officer will work alongside the individual and Public Health Agency to establish any “close contacts” and notify all affected as appropriate.
As a club we will always act in the best interests of all our members and we follow the most up to date guidance on “close contacts.”
Face Coverings
In line with Government advice on face covering use within indoor settings, we must ask that any parents or guardians that come into the indoor factory must wear an appropriate face covering. We understand that some individuals may be exempt for medical reasons.
For further information and updated advice click HERE
Use of Facilities
Within our indoor football factory, we must ask that all players, coaches and visitors follow the guidelines in place whilst using the facilities. These include the following:
- Sanitising hands on entry and exit to the building
- All water bottles to be placed on a designated floor spot and distance must be maintained during drink breaks
- NO sharing of drinks bottles is permitted, please ensure you have your own bottle clearly labelled.
- Please enter and exit the football cages using the appropriate gates (signage is displayed on each door)
- Please do not loiter outside the building or in the immediate entrance area.
- Should you cough or sneeze please do so into a tissue or your sleeve where possible.
All equipment will be sanitised by the coaches after use including balls and cones and any other items used during the session.
To watch our football factory procedures in action, please watch the following short video produced to assist in creating a safe environment for all our members: video available to watch on Facebook by clicking HERE
Social Distancing
At all training sessions the coaches will ensure as much social distance takes place between the players and also reduce the contact they have with the players.
This therefore means the following must not take place:
- NO high fiving at the end of a session
- NO high fiving or shaking hands at the end of a match or after celebrating a goal scored
- NO team huddles with close proximity to each player or coach
We respectively ask that all parents adhere strictly to social distance guidelines if they are spectating at a game and do not group together on the side-line.
Important Websites for further information: