Do you or someone you know (maybe a parent or family member) have a few hours a week to help us run this wonderful club that you or your child plays for? We’re looking for someone who might be interested in helping in one or more of the following roles.
It would be really great if we could get a small team of people who would be willing to share these duties. That way, it shouldn’t take anybody too much of their time. We’ll give you all the help and training you will need. We’ll take as little or as much time as you want to give us and if you need to bow out at any time due to other time pressures then that’s ok. It’s actually a very satisfying thing to do but in a Club of our size it would be great to share the load.
It would be ideal if you have access to a Windows PC and a Broadband connection as we have a dedicated computer program that helps a lot.
In July / August we need help with registration
Members are marked “Awaiting Re-Registration” and then asked to re-register or let us know they are leaving
The Procedure
- As responses come, update Members’ records
- Players with sufficient balance in their account are “Registered” automatically
- Arrears and first month’s dues must be paid before a Player is “Registered”
- Leavers must clear existing arrears
- Communicate with Coaches
- Chase up people who have not yet responded
- Repeat until everyone registered!
Simple, but takes a wee bit of time!
- Welcome new Players and Coaches and set up Membership records
- Ensure Fees are paid on Registration
- Answer Member queries
- Communicate regularly with Coaches
- Track:
- Arrival of new Players and Coaches
- Existing Players and Coaches moving between Teams
- Departing Players and Coaches
- Update Members’ accounts on a regular basis
- Log on to the Bank
- Download transactions
- Update Members’ statements (a simple copy and paste, then fix mistakes when people use the wrong reference
- A “regular basis” can mean 10 minutes every day during busy times (start of season, around the start of each month) but it can be as infrequently as 10 minutes, once a week.
- Ensure that Membership and Dues and any other monies (trips, dinner, Foyle Cup etc.) are paid on time and notify Coaches as to Players’ eligibility to play and train
- Help chase up outstanding Club arrears
- Answer parents’ queries about their child’s account
If you feel you can help, send an email to