Trips Toolkit 

Members are encouraged to attend tournaments and trips annually. We have teams that stay local to Foyle Cup or travel to Blackpool cup or further afield to Brabant Cup or Verona Cup. 

When planning such a trip it is vital to ensure you have all the correct paperwork and follow the correct procedures. Before booking a trip you should complete the below form to submit your request so the committee can review and authroise the trip. NO travel arrangements should be booked until it has been agreed by the club. Trips will not be subsided by the club and therefore it is important to ensure you cover all costs for travel, sportswear and food etc.

Click for Trip Booking Form 

We also encourage you to follow the attached checklist to ensure you have covered all necessary steps in the planning process and speak to other coaches that have been on similiar trips.  

Click for Trip Checklist 

Parental permission is very important for every player attending. Please use the form to have signed by all parents / guardians before a trip is booked.It is also vital that permission for swimming and also a medical form is completed and signed by all parents for players before they travel. It is vital as a coach that you have that information to hand when travelling. 

Click for Parental Permission Form 

Click for Medical Form 

Click for Swimming permission 

 If you have any questions or concerns please speak to a member of the committee to assist. 

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