Tell the new player to visit and click Register at the top of the page. It explains everything about Fees.
Their Club Tag will be the first 3 letters of their first name, followed by the first 3 letters of their surname (Ignoring Mc and O’ at the beginning of surnames) followed by the last 2 digits of year of birth (not the year group they play for!) No spaces.
- James McKernan born in 2007 (regardless of year group) is “JAMKER07” (“Mc” is left out)
- Raheem Sterling born in 1994 is “RAHSTE94”
- Marissa Callaghan born in 1995 is “MARCAL95”
- Gemma O’Sullivan, born in 2008 is “GEMSUL08” (“O'” is left out)
From the 2023/24 Season onwards, we do not charge Membership. Instead, Dues are payable every 12 months of the year as we run the Club on a 12-month basis. Main Squad Members & Girls pay £30 per month. Brothers and Sisters and all SDC players pay £15 a month. So if a family has two Main Squad players, they pay £45 for both.
Club Tag must be used for all correspondence & payments. Players must register so we have contact details and they are covered by our insurance
*** IMPORTANT Coach should complete a pre-registration questionnaire (click here)
If you are unsure on any facts surrounding registration, click here for details on Membership and Dues
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